Saturday, October 22, 2011

Does Your Skin Feels Itchy?

!±8± Does Your Skin Feels Itchy?

Dry skin is uncomfortable and unsightly. Have you wondered what will help dry skin? Many people with dry skin find that ingredients in commercially available lotions are irritating to their delicate skin. They find themselves wondering about gentle products with natural ingredients. Could these be what will help dry skin? Here are some natural cures for extra dry skin.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera gel from the houseplant aloe vera is a soothing lotion for extra dry skin. This wonderful substance is antiseptic and antifungal as well as being able to cool hot dry skin. The houseplant is attractive and easy to grow, but the gel is also available in many skin lotions and creams. To use the gel directly from the plant, simply break off a leaf. You can squeeze a small amount of gel out of the broken end, or you can use a small knife to cut the outer skin of the leaf to access more of the gel. The gel does not go bad, so you can keep the unused part of the leaf around for future needs. Aloe vera has been studied in the laboratory. It has been found to contain ingredients that are known to stop pain and itching. It also prevents infection in cracked or raw dry skin. If you are buying a commercially prepared lotion, what will help dry skin is to choose one that has aloe vera gel listed as one of the first few ingredients. Many products are labeled as containing aloe vera, but really contain very little of it.

Marshmallow Herb:

The wild herb marshmallow (althea officinalis) and it's cousin low mallow, (Malva neglecta) sometimes called "cheeses," are natural cures for extra dry skin. A tea made from marshmallow root or leaf soaked in cold water (2 tablespoons of dry powdered root to 1 quart of water) overnight can be taken three times a day. The herb is mucilagenous, which means that the tea or poultice preparations made with it become slimy. This sliminess is what makes mucilagenous herbs dry skin solutions. It is healing and soothing on dry skin. Dip a cloth in the tea to apply to the dry skin directly. The powdered root of the marshmallow can be added to skin cream or water to make a soothing lotion for dry skin. It can be purchased in bulk from many health food stores.

Colloidal Oatmeal:

You can find other natural cures for extra dry skin at your health food store. Oatmeal is often used in home remedies for dry skin. Check labels and you will find that some of the natural dry skin solutions at the health food store also contain oatmeal. Colloidal oatmeal is oatmeal that has been ground into a powder so fine it will distribute itself in water. It is widely available under the brand name of Aveeno, among others. Try adding two cups of this colloidal oatmeal to a bathtub full of warm water for a soothing soak. People have been using oatmeal baths as natural cures for extra dry skin for over 4000 years. Some dry skin solutions have stood the test of time!

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil and other healthy oils can be added to the diet or rubbed onto the skin. Avocado and raw milk are also full of natural saturated fats that can be helpful to the skin. Satuated fats are usually regarded as unhealthy, but some nutritionists are saying that it's the type of saturated fat that makes the difference. Coconut oil is mostly what they call medium-chain fatty acids, as compared to others that are short or long-chain. These are considered more healthful, but only if they are not hydrogenated. Hydrogenation is the process chemists use to turn a liquid oil into a solid one, as in turning soybean oil into margarine or shortening. It is well-known now that hydrogenated fats really should not be in our diets. They contain "trans fats" which are harmful. Some vegetable oils like coconut oil, are solid at room temperature, if the day is cool. But even if you don't desire to add coconut oil to your diet, it still makes a good oil for dry skin.

Does Your Skin Feels Itchy?

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Skin Feeling The Burn?

!±8± Skin Feeling The Burn?

It's this time of year that I make my pilgrimage to upstate New York to visit my family. Since I live in sunny Florida I look forward to the beauty of the winter. Waking up, gazing out the window and seeing a powdery layer of fresh snow--radiantly white and soft as a blanket--is one of the greatest pleasures of winter. If it's snowy outside it's a great excuse to spend the day indoors with a book. If you're the active type, it's the perfect opportunity to head for the slopes or grab your snowshoes for a hike.

Unfortunately, we all know that along with the pleasures of winter come the shoveling, the travel delays and the flu bugs that go around every year. As a dermatologist, there's another "winter worry" that I often hear from my patients who spend part of the year traveling to the north. They want to know how to avoid dry skin, the problem that so many of us fall victim to each year.

Why it Happens in Winter

According to T.S. Eliot, April is the cruelest month, but I'm betting he is one of the lucky few who didn't battle with dry skin. Here's how it works: Every winter, along with the drop in temperature, there is a major drop in humidity. Less moisture in the environment makes it more difficult for your skin to hold onto water. Keep in mind that dry skin is caused by a lack of water, not a lack of oil.

Even more damaging than low moisture in the air outside is the air you're pumping into your home to heat it up. This dry heat sucks away any available moisture, wreaking havoc on your skin. That's why both the person who stays cozy at home in winter suffers as much as the person outside hitting the slopes. Dry air is pretty tough to avoid unless you have a second home on a tropical island!

Moisture: How to Hold onto Every Drop

Remember that I said dryness is caused by a lack of water? Well, if you want to avoid dry skin, you have to figure out the best way to hold onto as much water as possible. First off, make it a habit to apply a body lotion after every shower. Have you been doing this, but still have dry skin? The key to sealing in water is applying lotion within three minutes of toweling off. The lotion acts as a barrier between the water in your skin and the air. No water equals dry skin.

Many of my patients say that their hands suffer most in the winter months. You shouldn't give up hand washing, so be sure to keep hand lotion by the sink and apply it after each wash. The skin on the hands is very thin, so it is prone to drying out more quickly. Creams specially formulated for your hands provide extra protection for this sensitive area.

If you want to give your hands a little extra TLC, you can slather on a rich lotion or simple petroleum jelly and wear cotton gloves (available in drug stores) while you sleep to keep the lotion from evaporating. This works for the feet too, along with a pair of socks.

Another way to help your skin while you sleep is to put a humidifier by your bed. Be sure to close the bedroom door so the moisture stays inside. One humidifier can't handle a whole house, especially when your heating unit is pumping, so you may want one in every room where you spend a lot of your time.

What to do for Winter Relief

If you spend an afternoon building snowmen with the kids, and find yourself with itchy, chapped, wind-burned skin, there is something you can do. Use very gentle cleansers for the face and the body, such as Dove or Neutrogena bath bars. The lye in regular soap strips away moisture. On your face and lips, try an ointment like Aquaphor or petroleum jelly. Extremely dry, red patches of skin may require the use of over-the-counter cortisone for a few days. If you have severe dermatitis, you may need to see your doctor for a prescription.

To calm itchy skin all over the body, an oatmeal bath is an excellent natural treatment. Sprinkle 2 cups of colloidal oatmeal (Aveeno is one brand available at drugstores) into a tub of lukewarm water. When you're finished soaking, lightly pat your skin with a towel until it's just damp. This is a great way to help the skin retain more of that soothing water. Follow up right away with body lotion.

If you follow these tips, winter may become a season you look forward to as much as I do!

Skin Feeling The Burn?

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

How To Treat Poison Ivy

Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video. Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from Seaworthy and more videos in the First Aid category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide at or produce your own Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmakers Program at Uh... did you just sit in a patch of poison ivy? Yeah you did! Now what? To complete this How-To you will need: Rubbing alcohol Cool water Soap Hydrocortisone cream Calamine lotion Cotton balls Menthol cream Cool compresses Jewelweed sap Warning: Seek medical attention immediately if you experience a severe allergic reaction to poison ivy, such as a swelling of the mouth or nose, difficulty breathing or swallowing, or a high fever. Step 1: Clean the area with rubbing alcohol and cold water If you've been exposed to poison ivy and you act quickly, you may be able to avoid an outbreak. Pour rubbing alcohol on the area that came in contact with the plant, then rinse with cold running water. Tip: Do not rinse with warm or hot water, which can cause the plant's oils to be absorbed more quickly. Also, to avoid spreading the oils, don't take a bath, and avoid showering without first rinsing. Step 2: Wash with soap and water Use soap and water to thoroughly wash the area. This might help prevent the outbreak. Scrub under your fingernails, and immediately remove and wash your clothes (and anything else that might have the plant's oils on it) in ...

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Natural Treatment for Eczema

!±8± Natural Treatment for Eczema

If you have eczema, then you understand the level of discomfort that the itch can cause you. There are many products on the grocery and pharmacy shelves that can help give you get relief. aYou can also get a drug prescription from your doctor if you need a stronger relief product. Many people also turn to a natural remedy for eczema when they have exhausted all other methods or want to supplement their eczema treatment plan. Here are some options if you with to consider a natural treatment for eczema as well.

You should always start out by keeping your skin moisturized. Moisturizing your skin is key to keeping your skin itch and flare-up free. You should moisturize first thing in the morning and last thing at night to keep your skin supple and moist and moisturize more often if you need it.

The best natural treatment for eczema is an emollient. An emollient comes in many forms including a cream, lotion, or oil. Find the one that you enjoy the feel of or use them interchangeably. During the summer, you can even put your emollient into the refrigerator to give yourself some cooling moisture when you apply it.

An oatmeal bath is an excellent natural treatment for eczema that also helps to relax you. Colloidal oatmeal baths, such as the one made by Aveeno, or one made of rolled oats from the grocery are great for calming inflamed, itchy skin. Such baths are easy to make. All you need to do is add one or two cups of oatmeal to your lukewarm water and then get in. If you are really itchy, then you will want to add more oats to the bath. After getting out of the bath, you need to use a moisturizer on your damp skin for keeping the moisture in your skin.

You can control your itch with this recipe for natural treatment for eczem as well. Mix one-teaspoonful of comfrey root, one-teaspoon of slippery elm bark, one-teaspoon of white bark, and two cups of water together in a bowl. Boil the mixture for approximately thirty-five minutes and then allow it to cool. Use this mixture as a skin wash and wash the affected skin with it. It may not completely remove the itch, but it will decrease it dramatically.

Blueberry leaves are an ingredient that you can look for in lotion form. They are said to be helpful at relieving eczema related inflammation and helping the itch.

Another excellent natural treatment for eczema is Vitamin E. You can soothe the affected area with Vitamin E cream or consume Vitamin E supplements.

There are many more options for natural treatment for eczema that you can try. A natural treatment for eczema is generally safe; but you should do sufficient research before embarking on any chosen one.

Natural Treatment for Eczema

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

About The Most Frequent Dog Skin Problems

!±8± About The Most Frequent Dog Skin Problems

First I would like to say about skin problems is very important and helpful to people like myself who have concerns about their dogs.

Skin disease is a complication of many diseases. Only by careful examination, diagnostic tests and sometimes even trial and error can we come to understand what causes the source in a particular dog and how we can best control it .

Several chemical reactions occur in the skin that stimulate the nerves, causing the brain to feel the itch. We treat a scratching pet by attempting to eliminate these reactions at the source and controlling the body's response to them as well. Some of the chemicals involved in itching are prostaglandins ointment, arachodonic acid (a specialized fatty acid) and leukotreines ointment . By using treatments that inhibit the action of these factors at the skin level, such as antihistamines and fatty acid competitors, we can sometimes control the itching without using corticosteroids such as prednisone ointment. If we work to control other irritating factors such as fleas, dry skin and secondary bacterial infections we can also further reduce itching. Each of these steps is very important because pets have an "itch threshold". This is the point where all of the sources of itching finally add up to enough irritation to cause the irresistible urge to scratch. Just like pain thresholds, these levels vary from pet to pet. Control of every possible factor is important to your dog's health and comfort.

Skin infections occur secondary to irritation in some dogs. This can happen when dogs have allergies, hormonal diseases or after events like grooming or hunting. Skin infections can show up as scabs scattered in the hair coat, as excessive dander, as areas of hair loss - especially if there is scaling around the edges and through the presence of pustules or red blotches in the skin. They often will clear up on their own if they are due to an irritation that doesn't stick around. As dogs age, it is a little harder for them to clear up a skin infection on their own and you may find at some point that these irritations have to be treated with antibiotics even though your dog has been able to cure herself in the past.

It is expensive to care for a pet with chronic skin disease in many instances for precisely the reason you are dealing with. Finding medications that will control the problem is often possible but they often can not be discontinued without return of the problem. This is particularly difficult in big dogs since the medications are given according to size and cost more for larger dogs.

Cold water will usually reduce itching and produce temporary relief. Adding Episoothe Oatmeal Shampoo, Episoothe Oatmeal Ointment Rinse, Aveeno Colloidal Oatmeal, Relief Shampoo or Domeboro's solution helps to prolong the effect. All of these products are available over-the-counter. If you use Aveeno, one to two tablespoons per gallon of water, applied as a rinse, works best. Follow the directions on the Domeboro packet and also apply as a rinse. Shampooing will sometimes help to control itching. Some shampoos such as Pyoben and Oxydex, act to reduce the bacteria level on the skin, one cause of itching. Seba Lyt and other sulfer/salicyclic acid shampoos reduce scaling. Lytar, Clear Tar and other tar containing shampoos reduce itching and oiliness. An emollient or moisturizer used after shampooing will restore some moisture to the skin and this also reduces itching.

Fleas cause most the allergic reactions in pets. Flea control is essential to our success in treating itchy dogs. Please ask for flea control information if you have any problem at all with fleas on your dog! Expar ointment Rinse can be used to kill fleas after itching and moisturize the skin.

Contact your veterinarian if your dog experiences drooling, vomiting, itching, changes in breathing rate, a diaper rash.

It can take persistence to figure out skin disease. Give your vets a chance to get this under control but if you reach a point where you feel strongly that you need to do something more, you could ask for referral to a veterinary dermatologist and obtain ointment to produce a local effect directly on the skin.

If the irritation is severe or if the skin ointment seems to make your symptoms worse, discuss the matter with your veterinarian or pharmacist. If you notice anything unusual, tell your veterinarian or pharmacist.

About The Most Frequent Dog Skin Problems

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion Aveeno 8 oz Lotion For Unisex

!±8± Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion Aveeno 8 oz Lotion For Unisex

Brand : Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion | Rate : | Price : $60.68
Post Date : Oct 07, 2011 05:03:16 | Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Naturally nourishing lotion contains natural colloidal oatmeal blended with rich emollients and is clinically proven to moisturize for a full 24 hours. Fast-absorbing formula helps prevent and protect dry skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth and naturally healthy looking. Gentle enough for everyday use and good for sensitive skin. Fast-absorbing. Unique oatmeal-based formula is gentle enough for everyday use. Good for sensitive skin. Global Product Type: Lotions-Liquid; Packing Type: Tube; Capacity (Volume): 8.000 oz; Capacity (Weight): N/A.

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